In the rapidly evolving world of business, few dynamics are as precarious as the relationship between shareholders and management. While shareholders are the lifeblood of a company, providing capital and strategic oversight, their role should primarily be focused on...
Business strategist and Marketing consultant with extensive experience in advising companies across the board and sectors on implementing customer-centric strategies to drive growth.
Posts By Dr. MAWO
The Power of Fame: Why Visibility Creates Opportunities for People and Businesses
The answer lies in visibility and perception. Famous individuals have built a public persona, making them more visible and, consequently, more likely to attract opportunities. Similarly, companies that invest in marketing and brand visibility create the perception of...
The Role of Marketing in Business Success: A Critical Perspective
Marketing is often referred to as the lifeblood of modern business, with many experts claiming that it is not only crucial for driving customer engagement but also vital for shaping the entire business strategy. The relationship between marketing and business success...